Beginners Appreciation Post

Over the last few months I’ve been broadening my perspective on yoga by exploring different traditions.

I’ve been going to Ashtanga classes with the brilliant @helenlaldred and yesterday I tried one of her Mysore Intensive workshops for the first time.

I didn’t know what to expect and I wasn’t sure I’d be up to it tbh but thanks to Helen’s kind encouragement & patience, I needn’t have worried. She reminded me that it was OK not to know what I was doing because I’d never done it before - ahhh, yes 💡

Last weekend I went on a mini retreat @sivanandalondon. Again, I didn’t really know what to expect and as the trip got closer, I started to wonder whether I was doing the right thing.

Again, I needn’t have worried. It was a wonderful couple of days, retreating, meeting some lovely people and eating some delicious veggie food to boot. I hope to return again soon. 🧡

I emerged from both these experiences with that spring in your step that you only get when you take a leap of faith and land safely. 😊

So I wanted to share this for anyone out there who’s thinking about doing something new and in need of some encouragement.

Whatever reasons the little voice in your head might come up with NOT to try something new - you’re too old, you’ll get it wrong, it’s not for you etc These are just thoughts and you can choose to ignore them so feel the fear and do it anyway is my advice.

Growth is only possible when we step out of our comfort zones & embrace new experiences.

And to all those I know who are out there embracing the new and unknown - whether that’s yoga, skiing, rowing, running, strength training or swinging from hoops - I see you! 🙌🏻


In celebration of International Women’s Day