Yoga for you

About me

I first discovered yoga about 25 years ago in a draughty church hall in Manchester. Over the years, I dipped in and out of my practice as family, work and life events all overtook me at various times. The call to return to the mat was always there though. 

I completed my first teacher training in 2022 accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals. This experience gave me a solid grounding in the fundamentals and a teaching approach centred on yoga for health and wellbeing. 

In 2023, I followed this up with a 40 hours training certification with Petra Coveney, creator of Menopause Yoga, accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga - and I haven’t stopped learning since!

I believe that yoga can benefit everyone - it’s never too late to start! (In fact, I did my first teacher training just as I turned 48!)

As someone who’s spent a career sitting for long periods at a desk, I understand first-hand the physical limitations that many of us bring with us on to the mat and so - above all else - my classes aim to offer a space where all students are met with kindness, compassion and gratitude.

I like to bring an awareness of the seasons, a focus on the breath, a sense of flow and fun to my classes - oh and I like a good playlist too. ✨

Outside of yoga, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, getting out into nature, reading and trying to garden (with mixed results!) 

I’m also passionate about women’s health and I am currently on the board of trustees at WHISC, a wonderful charity dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of women and their families throughout Liverpool. If you’re able to consider supporting WHISC with a donation then you can do that over here - thank you!

Connect with me on Instagram